Friday, September 22, 2006

Devos to Share - 9/22

I thought today I would share what I got from my Bible reading. Remember to keep getting into the Word, it will add life to your day. It's better that Wheaties!

Ready, Set, Go - Daily Bible Reading
Date: 9/22/06
Topic: Spiritual Growth
Title: “Deep and Wide”

Daniel 9:13b “But we have refused to seek mercy from the Lord our God by turning from our sins and recognizing his truth.” (New Living Translation)

Daniel 10:19a “’Don’t be afraid,’ he said, ‘for you are deeply loved by God. be at peace; take heart and be strong.’” (New Living Translation)

Luke 5:4-6
“4 Now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets, and you will catch many fish. 5 ‘Master,’ Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, we’ll try again.’ 6 And this time their nets were so full they began to tear!” (NLT)

A couple verses stuck out to me today. First off, Daniel is incredibly burdened for his people. Chapter 9 starts by saying that he was studying and learning from the word of the Lord, then something hits him and he starts pleading for the people of Israel (as they were in exile in Babylon at the time). Then I thought about what Daniel thought about in the verse above...”they refused to seek mercy from the Lord.“ How? By turning from sin and recognizing the truth. It’s really what Oneighty is all about - the BIG TURN AROUND. Turning from our sin and our junk and turning to Christ. I’m challenged today to see the mercy of God in my life.

Second, I felt encouraged by Daniel 10:9, God reminded me of the Scripture he gave me out of Joshua a while back saying “be strong and courageous.” This was confirmation of that. We are deeply loved by the Lord. So often we can get caught up in the “don’t” of walking with Christ. Let us not forget that we are deeply, truly, passionately loved by the living God! Take heart and be strong. Be strong in the knowledge that Christ died for us when we were very unlovely. That’s why we know we are deeply loved.

Last, I saw in Luke 5 a couple things...

Luke 5:4-6
“Now go out where it is deeper and let down your nets, and you will catch many fish. 5 ‘Master,’ Simon replied, ‘we worked hard all last night and didn’t catch a thing. But if you say so, we’ll try again.’ 6 And this time their nets were so full they began to tear!” (NLT)

A deeper relationship with God will equal wider arms to reach people. I think what God is saying to me today is that the deeper I go in relationship with Him, the more it is meant to be share with others. Deep and Wide go together.

Just like Jesus said fish where it is deeper (or go to the depths of who I am), he also allow a supernatural catch of fish (or people). We go deeper, more people come to Christ and he brings the increase!

Daniel - Turn from sin, accept his mercy, and walk in the truth of the word

Luke - Don’t forget that a deep relationship with God isn’t supposed to be ingrown. The love of Christ needs to be shared with the world, it’s too good to keep to myself.

Lord, take me deeper in you. That you that you deeply love me, I love you back! As I go deeper, bring people into my path that I can impact for you. I’m excited about what you are going to do! Right on!

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Hey guys, not you can try to comment, if you still can't comment send your hate mail to! peace out.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Power of One

I'm actually sitting here at Wildhorse Canyon where we have our Wintercamps/Summercamps (except for last year). Tonight I was part of the ministry team at Cascade Life Commission's Encounter Retreat. Many of the folks we prayed for had their lives impacted in a truly amazing way.

Every time I come here I feel that God wants to speak to me specifically about the Youth in Bend. Last night Pastor Ken delivered one of the most amazing messages I have heard to date. Mostly what caught my attention was the challenge. He laid the vision out, 100 students stronger by the end of the year, 1000 by the end of 10. What do I think about it? You bet, God can do that easy!!

The thing about it is that it's not going to be the pastors or leaders that "convince" enough people to come to Christ. It's going to be the whole crew together going after God and then reaching the folks around them. If every person reached and discipled ONE person this year, in a few years, millions would be reached for Christ! We need to be intentional about this, reaching people.

For those of you reading this who don't know God, I hope that today you understand how much God cares for You. I do too, I know how impersonal it is through electronic words, but but I really do. I care enough to tell you today that God is only a step away from where you are at. All you've got to do is step His way! Try it, I dare you. You'll come to find the real life that you've been searching for.

This is just a quick update from where I'm at. Remember, ONE person this year! You can reach more if you want, but let's start there. You will be amazed and what you see in your life when you step out!