Now I'm a youth pastor...he doesn't know that though:) So all of a sudden I'm like "Leave her alone!" This is not normal behavior for those of you who know me. I was seriously SO mad. This guy doesn't know her story. He doesn't know what she's been through or the heartache and pain that she has experienced getting to this point in her life.
I know many of you are reading this with your mind made up about the homeless. I used to feel like this. I would say, "I work, why can't they?" Or "they're just drunk all the time?" Or whatever thoughts you may think. I can't say that they don't actually prove these stereotypes to be true - so you may be totally justified in what you are thinking, but lend me your ear for a second.
When I heard Mike Yankowski speak about this issue - something clicked for me and it really came back to the words of Jesus. "What you have done to the least of these you have done unto me." Now put it in whatever situation you want - I'm applying this to the homeless lady that I see with the sign. I don't give the homeless money, God would have to really speak to me for that to happen. But I always try to give them food or whatever. Think about it, you're actually ministering to Jesus Christ when you do something for them. You may have had your decision made about them, but I'd just challenge you...I know we're busy, but it takes 30 seconds to help someone. Stop traffic, and change someone's day. Carry around McDonald's gift certificates in your car and give them out.
Back to the guy who made me mad...I think what made me the most mad was that he had no compassion. He was ignorant of her situation, and yes maybe she was a drug trafficker at one point from Costa Rica, maybe a stripper or a murderer. Now she's here on my street in Bend, and God says she's the least and when I give to the least I'm really giving to God Himself.
I'm working on this too... If you give them help and are afraid that they'll use it to buy drugs or alcohol (in this case they would have to sell the hotpocket for cash - - I say go ahead and try - - would you ever buy a hotpocket from someone on the street?) Just place it all in God's hands. You are really serving Jesus, give them a Hot Pocket (or what you have) and return the love that He so graciously gave to us.
Question: How do you feel about the homeless?
Here's a picture of a bus to inspire you (because you like pictures:)
![Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting](
I'm officially freaked out that this blogger knows my name...that said. I'm sitting at home sick (I blame you) and I thought I'd surf the blog world. And although I hate myspace, I may be saying hello to blog land soon. See ya later!
Yeah, you should join the club.
I'm still working through homeless issues...but one thing I'm sure about - hotpockets are the sickest type of food you can buy at the store. I wouldn't buy one from Safeway...let alone a homeless person.
For some great hotpocket discussion click this link. (seriously click it)
I agree with what you (and also God) say about helping those in need. They need Jesus as much as Donald Trump needs Jesus and if a hot pocket is an open door to letting them see Jesus through us for a little while, then hot pockets are the way to go. There's a homeless mission down the road from us that I keep saying I'm going to go to, but really, this weeekend I'm gonna' go feed 'em! Thanks for the blog. Who knows, maybe I'll help an angel and I won't even know it.
KC, I agree with the fact that we should bless those that need blessings. Some of the homeless that stand on the street make very good money in some cities in the US. But if you hand them food or gift certificates for food that can bless them and not make it realistic for them to use it for alcohol or drugs. Good blog!
Casey, great post- (this homeless thing seems to be quite relevant here in San Diego :) or not giving? hands down, I'd rather err on giving than not giving at all. Never cash of course- but leftovers from restaurants, powerbars, candybars, bottles of water, brand new groceries and giftcards work great. Or you could do as my husband does and take them out to dinner and listen to their story. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Oh my gosh I just watched the hotpocket link on you tube that Danny left, seriously holding my sides laughing. Wow, that's funny!
hmmmmm interesting issue casey...... never really thought about it like that before............ that was really sweet of you to give away your lunch..... i hope you found something else to eat in-stead. =)
Okay here is my life threatening story, fire. rock. trip. fall. in. fire. ouch. burn. skin. hair. stop. drop. role. bad. burn. scary. fire.
So, here is what really happened, My family and I wur camping and I tripped and fell into a GIANT fire and I burnt my skin and hair. OUCH!
Becky Sipe
P.S. Will u read mine at the wed. night service in JV?
I came across your blog entry through a technorati search for Mike Yankowski. I just finished reading his book "Under the Overpass" and had a similar situation of being moved from Mike's words to action.
Anyway, from a fellow youth pastor, thanks for posting on this issue. Oh,and I love the muffler pun! Seriously.
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