Wednesday, August 11, 2010

#1 - An Introduction

Today I met with a web genius. He proposed that I start blogging again, so I am.  As often as possible I try to meet with people smarter than I am and do what they say. So here I am. Welcome to "Thank You for This".  I have a few basic goals this time around: 

1) Keep posts simple.
2) Post often.
3) Post with gratitude.

This blog will thank people, places, and things for their gift to mankind. Not all will be humorous, but I assure you, many will.

I'll start with something personal. This little gem was captured at one of my band's shows. See what fun a local high school drama department wardrobe can provide during your last song?


1 comment:

Cassie said...

welcome back to the blogging world. you were greatly missed...

ok, "greatly missed" is an overstatment, so perhaps i should say this:

i was delighted to see in my links that your name moved to the top of the updated blog list.

thanks for the cd.