Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Tree Hunt!

Recently I took the student leaders of 180 on a Tree Hunt. On the way I thought it'd be a good idea to get me and the students in my car into a life threatening experience. Once again let me explain in one word descriptions. Car. Me. Others. Driving. Driving. Ice. Slick. Turning. Mas Turning. Loudscreamingandcraziness. Safety. Relief. So I know that Loudscreamingcraziness isn't one word, but you know what I mean. So we hit ice and slid and that was real silly because I had students in my car and I felt like I put their lives in danger. So, I'd just like to shout out to Jesus for keeping us safe. Now it's your turn.

When have you been in a life threatening experience and how did it change your life? Feel free to try the one word descriptions method :)

Here's some pictures of the tree hunt that followed our life threatening experience. Props to Dalton, Kelsey, Karlee, and Andy who endured with me.


Anonymous said...

No, those are not real snowflakes.

Danny Schulz said...

World. Series. Watching. TV. Earthquake. Crashing. Tv. falling. Sister. Crying. Mom. Screaming. Danny. Running. Earthquake. Over. Chaos. Reigning.

Wow. It's like poetry or something.

Corey Parnell said...

Roller. blading. curb. hockey. stick. face. ankle. smashed. scream. cry.

It happened when I was 7 I swear...No it wasn't last year...I promise!...No seriously I don't roller blade anymore!

Anonymous said...

okay this wasn't my life it was my lil bros.... lets see how i can do the one word thing.....

camping. lake. playing. three. year. old. boy. fall. water. face. laying. there.

yup thats about it then my mom notices him freaks out and runs practically screaming to save him. yeah he was fine after all only like that for a few seconds. we laugh about it now. say he was trying to be a fish finder in the lake..... but it was scary...... let me tell you.... i was out on a canoe and could see him.... to far away to help and had to wait year long seconds till my mom got to him. it was seriously scary. i don't know what id do with out my little bro. that was awhile ago now though.... most everybody in my family has forgotten about it. but every time my brother does anything remotely dangerous..... i think of that moment........

Anonymous said... save.ball.forward.big.hit.mylegs.flip.upsidedown.
pop.pop.blackout.wakeup.woah.ouch.stand.breath.keep playing.

that's when my dad says, "no more sports"
moral of the story = it's not the most safe thing to play goalkeeper when you're small and short
other moral of the story = if you're gonna get smashed, it's worth it if you save the ball.

Anonymous said...

hmm well i was a part of your story but ill think of another one!


mmhmm but the day of the tree hunt was still funn!!

Corey Parnell said...

Here we go. This is way too fun.

Driving. Highway. Tire. Gravel. Swerve. Swerve. Fly. Through. Air. Life. Flash. Thoughts. Corey. Land. Smash. Boom. Crunch. Shoulder. Ow. Scared. Blocked. Dirt. All. Over. Sunroof. Climb. Stand. Whoa.

And the next day...

Spa. Relax. Facial. Good. Happy. Breathe.

Anonymous said...

dinner. eating. chicken. chew. swallow. stuck. cant breath. lightheaded. crawl. floor. grandma. finger. down. throat. rip. chicken. out. breth. air. alive.

Anonymous said...

Ok That day was really fun!!
The Accident with the car and the ice well ya know.
Let me just say that we we're realll blessed that cars were'nt coming from the opposite direction.
God is Good.
The Tree turned out good also.
See you Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Probably not the best one for your mom to read right? God is good and He protects! mom