The ground rules:
Tell me in "one word descriptions" about a life threatening experience you had. After that include how God brought you through it...for examples look at the comments in the previous post. We'll read some of them next week at 1...8...0! Rock on!
I choose to be anonymous for sake of embarrassment. :P
Late. Going. To. Miss. Train. Run. Almost. There. Clumsy. Trip. Land. Flat. On. Face. Halfway. In. Train. Wind. Leave. Lungs. Gasp. Train. Doors. Close. Head. Still. In. Door. Neck. Going. To. Squish. Freeze. Mind. Numb. Man. Hand. Grab. Barely. Safety.
To this day I believe that the hand I grabbed belonged to an angel, because there was no other passengers nearby and without him I probably would have been severly injured if not dead. I thank God for being endlessly gracious and wonderful.
grandma. visit. shoes. hers. heels. me. young. stupid. wear. walk. outside. porch. slats. heel. slip. ground. hello. smash. scrape. cry. sprain. ouch. embarrased. grandma. crazy. pressure. foot. crazy. grandma.
Okay, so it's not life threatening, but there's my story. And yes, my grandma's solution to my nearly broken foot was to make me stand on it - oh the pain! The memories!
school. hallway. slanted. water. me. flipflops. sister. look. slide. slow. motion. butt. ouch! tailbone. broken. sister. laughing. wet. clothes. water. stand. sister. laughing. still. ouch. ouch. ouch...four. weeks. no. school. butt. cushion. embarrassing.
not exactly life threatening, but God did heal me about 3 weeks ago, oh yah!!!
pool. bored. ants. save. stung. drowned. sister. sees. dead. almost. can't. breathe. dad. screams. spit-up. water. very. careful. now.
fire. rock. trip. burn. skin. hair. ouch. blisters. cry. pour. water. no. sleep. cofee. yum.
Okay so I wuz camping and I fell into a campfire (I know dumb blonde) and cought on fire. I could not sleep so I drank lotza cofee. I had 2 lurn how 2 write with my left hand. Now I have scarz on my right hand. FYI don't jump in2 a fire, it hurtz!
Becky Sipe
P.S. Read mine @ JV on Wed.?
Me. 3. Sister. 6. Sister. Snowball. My. Face. Snowball. Cold. Wet. Burns. Cry. Mad. Sister. Sorry. Now. Hate. Snowballs.
Whitney wanted to have a snowball fight so she took me out side and tried to demonstrait, resulting in a very painful run inside.
okay let me try.
snow. mountain. 180. me. eric parnell. video camera. not watching. running. me. over. falling. goggles and hat. flying. off. head..
okay.. thats kind of hard.. haha.. basically eric was filming all of us cool people on the mountain and took me out and it was funny.. about 20 min later he did the same thing to janna.. anyways. i just started this blog thing and its kinda cool i guess.. latersss
thanksgining 7yeasyold xklaim cardbord sledding hands on cardbord running fast cardbord stop me notstop knose carpit me still going. stand up no skin. skin on carpit. cry cry cry RUGBURN
4th of July. cocc parking lot. fireworks. dad. siblings. weeeeeee. 9. fun. done. trash. dead. fireworks. brother. match. live firework. face. AHHHHHHHH!... eyebrowless. tears. weeks.
Okay, I'm not so good at one word explanations. Man, I hardly even abbreviate in text mesages. One 4th of July I was picking up dead fireworks after we were done. My brother still had one to do. I went to pick one up by it not knowing he had lit it and it went off in my face. Owwwww...
Drake. 4. sled. stomach. hill. steering. awry. 4. brother. laugh. water. freezing. floating. swans. dad. running. home. bath.
Also, because I live a life of danger, when I was four we went sledding at Drake just like any good Bendite has done. I tried to go alone on the old school ones like my brother, but I couldn't steer it and I went into the pond. I floated due to all the winter wear, but have scarring memories about swans. They loom ominously when you're 4.
Umm this last summer
a man died on my lake house beach.
Never met him, Never got his name.
I just remember feeling really helpless when the man and his friends approached our beach.i knew my parents were doing all they could to help.i felt like all i could do was go to my room and pray. God just told me to pray for his family (one younger sister thats all he had) and his best friend, who had been doing CPR for like 45 min. on him.
The whole thing kinda left me speechless. God showed me how blessed i am to still have my family and friends with me and how amazing his love is between us all.
Yeah changed my life for sure.
I dont know if it was really life-threatening to me but ya know.
Hey guess wut? Jesus loves you 4ever & ever!
Knock on jesus' door and he will open. Open the doors of your heart to him and you will be changed frum the inside out. Your Life will be so much better!
K. here we go... ahem...
Honeybees. Looking. In. Hive. Wearing. Cool. Bee. Suit. Bees. Buzzing. Me. Humming. Bee. Inside. Hat thingy. Bee. Stings. Lip. Me. Punching. Face. To. Kill. Bee. Rip. Off. Hat. More. Bees. In. Hair. Me. Running. Like. Crazy. Bees. Chasing. Me. Get. In. Car. Fat. Lip. Sister. Laughing.
One of many times :^)
Bike. Fast. Breaks. Bad. Wood. Bike. Stop. Nick. Go. Ouch. Face. God. Kept. Face. In. Good. Condition. Snot. Tube. One. Week
that was my little brother this is me...
Sick. Asthma. Make. Flu. Worse. Pneumonia. Me. Dislike. Meds. Me. Refuse. Take. Them. Me. Get. Very. Sick. Pass. Out. Woah. Wake. Up. In. Hospital. Needle. Thingy. In. Arm. Me. FLIP. Panic. Nurse. Come. Me. Calm. Now. God. Save. God. Cool.
one year (during spring of course) I got the flu my asthma made my flu worse and I got pneumonia and I being too sick to think clearly refused to take my meds one day I passed out and I woke up in the hospital with a needle in my arm and me umm not too great with needles (try scared to death of them) I FLIPPED the nurse had to restrain me till I calmed down I am better now God saved me that time
callie. car. late. school. get. out. kinda. callie. goes. tire. over. foot. smash. turn. grind. cement. curb. "callie. move. your. car. !." free. foot. cry. home. miss. school. (not. sad.) ankle. hurt. ice. ouch. sprain. again. callie. amazing. her. car?. not. so. much. :)
callie. car. late. school. get. out. kinda. callie. goes. tire. over. foot. smash. turn. grind. cement. curb. "callie. move. your. car. !." free. foot. cry. home. miss. school. (not. sad.) ankle. hurt. ice. ouch. sprain. again. callie. amazing. her. car?. not. so. much. :)
cliff. free. climbing. unharnessed. climbing. climbing. climbing. 20ft. awesome. cool rock. amazing view. edge. foot. slip. grabbing. falling. grabbing air. falling. flipping. owwww. rocks. owwww. sharp. owwww. ground. owwww. rolling. ahhhh. giant rock. ughhhhh. stunned. pain. owwww. scatched. blood. dirt. germs. ughhh. tears. crying. home. cleaning. ouch. burning. aloe-vera. lotion. ice-packs. bed. sleep. morning. sore. itchy. milkshakes. mmmmmmmm. feel ok.
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