The first time I blogged I was at the beach. I figured that it was only appropriate while I'm here to rub it in. This is the view from where I'm sitting.'s 50 degrees at the Oregon Coast and beautiful as ever. Seth and Jesse have joined me on the trip...I'm sure there are more updates to come because we have little to do and we're loving it!

OK - beat me up later!
I sure will...
Sorry pics were blurry! I fixed it I think.
Prepare to be thrown a beating, casey.
Oh man, so not fair! Although, with 50 degree weather here and a radio that has "ocean sounds" on it I'm pretty much in heaven, so I really can't complain :)
my beach is 75 degrees... ha...oh man, does that mean I get beat up now?
oh.. check out this adventure, I randomly went to savers on my bike, and bought a boogie board for 6 dollars and a wet suit for 1 dollar, and I had to ride home with them on my bike...almost died 2 times...but it will be worth it because by the next time I see you I'm gonna be a wave riding fool -
your is like broken or something... it won't open. so sad =(
I love oregon coast! I was in Seaside a few weeks ago, I almost died, it was special. We were in a school bus going through 6 feet of water, it was bad. Anyway I had alot of fun. I never realized you had a podcast! I go to oneighty as much as I can, you JUST mentioned the podcast last night. Ha I am listening to it now, funny. ANYWAY, ttyl. Peace.
This has nothing to do with your pictures from the beach, but I love your year book pictures!! Just thought I'd remind you of the marvelous time known as the 90's=)
It was nice to meet you the other day at Backporch - Thank you for your openness to my questions and the CD... Perhaps I will see you around town and answer some of your questions sometime :)
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